Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Vacation. A word that 99.9% of the people in the world love. Going to vacation and relaxing is one the things i love and i enjoy most. I love visiting new palces all over my country and hopefully around the whole globe in near future. Well i personally like going to vacation every two or three months. I prefer visiting places near sea or any other big water source. If i do not get the chance to be close to such place then atleast a place that has some decent swiming pool.

As you might suspect i wear a lot of swimwear every year. I like to buy swimwear and i like to have different types of it. Some nice looking, stylish ones. I spend about 2% of my income over swimwear. It might seem a little ridicouls to someone but it is true.

There is also another reason for me to like visiting such places. I love seeing womens barthing suits. And how it looks over its owner. I am not a peaker or anything like this but i just enjoy seeing beautiful women wearing bathing suits.

If you are female really i would suggest taking look at christina swimwear. Something you might like very much.

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